No. 131 Land Office at Vincennes May 31, 1842 It is hereby certified that Jean Louis Soulier is confirmed by virtue of the Second Section of an Act of Congress passed the third day of March one thousand eight hundred and seven, entitled "An act confirming claims to land in the District of Vincennes, and for other purposes", in his claim by virtue of a Militia Donation, to a lot or Tract of Land Confirmed by the Governor to Jean Louis Soulier, designated on the Map of Township number One South of Range number Ten West, by Survey number Ten. (10) and boundaries as follows Viz. one the South by Survey No. Nine, on the North by Survey No. Eleven, on the East by Survey No. Twenty Two, and on the West by Survey No. Sixteen, containing one hundred acres. Now therefore be it known that on presentation of this certificate to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, Abraham Field, who was assigned of the heirs of Keen Field who was assigned of Thomas Johnston who was assigned of William McIntosh who was assigned of Jean Louis Soulier shall be entitled to receive a Patent for the lot or tract above described. A. Copy Register Sent May 31, 1842