Dwell #
| Fam #
| Name
| Age
| Sex
| Col
| Occu
| RE
| Birth
| Marr
| Sch
| R/W
114 |
Ezekial Fields |
38 |
M |
IN |
- House number in order of visitation.
- Family number in order of visitation.
- Name of person who lived in household since 1 June 1850.
- Age.
- Sex.
- Color. If the person was white it was not written.
- Occupation of each Male over the age of 15.
- Value of Real Estate.
- Place of Birth; state or country.
- Married within the year, noted with an m.
- Attended school within the year, noted with an s.
- Literacy status for person over 20 years of age. An r means they cannot read or write.