We found this photo among the family photos of Howard Field. The photo is identified on the back so we knew that the man in the center was Walter Marion Field, Howard's uncle. We were not sure who caught the fish or where. We were searching the Valparaiso Daily Vidette for articles on the Field family and this article came up. We thought it was really funny to find an article about Walter and his huge fish and we had the photograph that went with the article. It also identified the other men. George Green was the brother of Elizabeth Maud Green the wife of Nelson Field, Walter's brother. Another brother of Walter and Nelson was Harvey Field of Nappanee, Indiana who was Howard Field's father. Howard is the father of Eugene Field and grandfather of Lucie Field co-webmasters of this web site.
This article was found in the Valparaiso, Indiana, Vidette-Messenger, 26 March 1946.