Proprietors of Patoka Businesses 1881![]()
FRED C. FEDERER, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, and all goods found in a first-class store. Main street. T. H. JERAULD, Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing, etc. No. 45 Main street. WHIT. C. LAMB
W. D. DANIELS, Dealer in Walnut Lumber. HEBER INGLE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard Wood Lumber. R. N. PARRETT, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard Wood Lumber. C. E. COOK,
J. MORLOCK, Distiller of Pure Whiskies and Alcohol. Terms cash. Orders filled promptly. Cash paid for corn. ROBERT WEBER, Owner and Proprietor of Bluff City Mills, Dealer in all kinds of Grain, Manufacturer of best grades of Family Flour. Custom work and grinding done at all times. LUCIUS F. ALVIS,
M. KITCHELL, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes. All work first-class. Shop on Main street. MONROE KEY, Carpenter, Contractor & Builder. Contracts solicited, and work done on time accurately skillfully. W. S. SEARS & BRO., "The Druggists," Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Books and Stationery. Pure Wines and Liquors for medical use. Store on Main street. A. F. BRUNER, Agent for "Genuine Singer Sewing Machine." All the attachments, needles, etc., kept on hand. Office at residence on Main street. R. T. HENDERSON, Agent for Continental Fire Insurance Co., New York. Office at Res. 2 miles south of Hazleton. HOWARD & SEARS, Physicians and Surgeons. John F. Howard, Res. on farm, N. W. of Patoka, G. M. Sears, Res. Upper Main St. Office Sears & Bro's. Drug Store. J. H. GIBBS, Physician and Surgeon. Office on Main St. up stairs. WM. M. GIVENS,
F. M. MILLBURN, Propr. of Hotel, Main street, where Clean Beds, Good Table, and all the modern conveniences will be found. Stable attached. Charges reasonable. MOSES K. ROBB, ex-County Commissioner. W. F. HUDELSON, Township Trustee. JOSIAH KNIGHTLY, Township Assessor. H. M. SPAIN, Deputy. L. S. FRENCH, Civil engineer. E. G. LOCKHART,
ANNIE ANTELL, School teacher. ![]() CHRISTOPHER RAAB, U. S. Storekeeper, Patoka Distillery. S. B. JERAULD, Publisher and Printer. W. J. HALL, Head Sawyer for R. N. Parrett. H. A. MILLARD, Head Sawyer for Heber Ingle. A. A. MELLINGER, Carpenter and Contractor. W. L. WILSON, Carpenter and Contractor.
From An Atlas of Gibson and Pike Counties, Ind. D. J. Lane and Co.: Philadelphia, PA. 1881